• Urban
  • Revitalization
  • Co-creation
  • Catalyst
  • Transformative
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Zig-zag Park

Key Services Provdided
Architectural Design
Landscape Design
Design Workshop
Community Coalition Support
Post-occupancy Evaluation

Project Partners
Client and Commuity Partner: Encuentro con la Vida
Architectural Development: Aaron Brakke and Nicolas Arias
Community Construction Training: SENA
Construction: Community Members - Javier Augusto Rojas, Diego Lopez, Jeisson Carrillo, Jhon Palacios, Amanda Lopez, Jhonatan Lopez, and Jhon Vitechi
Student Design Team: Yojhanth Gonzalez, Juan Nicholas Rivera, Ivan Avila, and Alejandro Bello
Design Research Team: Claudia Grisales, Stephen Ferroni, and Luis Felipe FLores
Community Engagement and Research: Maria Alejandra Amado, Maria Ximena Manrique, Sergio Perea, Natalia Correal, Juan Manuel Bueno, and Semilleros.
Support - Division of Parks and Recreation of Soacha lent equipment and the General Electric Foundation provided the funding that made this possible.

ZIG-ZAG PARK is more than just a place, it is an ongoing initiative for activating public space a zone of the city that lacks green space for the people of the neighborhood.

The project has been developed through the synergy of many actors who abided by the methodology of Participatory Action Research, as articulated by Orlando Fals Borda. The intervention has involved several steps, including 1) Mapping the territory, 2) Identify problems and needs - workshop to develop a list of needs 3) Dream Workshop - develop list of objectives and collective dreams, 4) Design ideas workshop to develop ideas for physical space, 5) Design of the park, 6) Crowd Funding, 7) Educational courses about Construction with SENA and 8) Construction.

This process has taken nearly five years and the investment in people and in the space is starting to feel like it has paid off and is reaping the reward. Residents of all ages are coming together to use this space. It has become a ‘place’ in the neighborhood to play, talk and build community.

Image Title
Conditions as Found
Image Title
Neighborhood Map
/ Urban Revitalization in the Hinterlands

Zig-zag Park has been a catalyst to foster solidarity for a community living in a precarious habitat in the urban periphery.

Zig-zag Park
Zig-zag Park
Zig-zag Park
Zig-zag Park
Zig-zag Park
Zig-zag Park
Tropicario at the Botanic Gardens